Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Pepper Spray Used More Liberally on Kids

The Texas County Court was informed that incarcerated teens are being pepper sprayed not only when they cause a threat, but also when they don't follow routine orders and while on suicide watch. So far this year, there has been approximately 1200 reports of pepper spray being used compared to the 196 reports that were logged last year. Although there are many people that are disturbed by this, there are still those few who are behind it. In my opinion this is horrible. It's one thing to use pepper spray when a teen has used a threat, but to spray them for no reason is just wrong. All this is going to do is make them much angrier when it is time to get out. More so for the kids who are on suicide watch; it doesn't make any sense to do this. These kids are obviously troubled enough if they've tried to kill themselves, so why would you give them even more reason to?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would agree with my colleague’s argument. Peppering spraying people is getting way out of hand. My colleague mention in this article that the Texas County Court was informed that incarcerated teens are being pepper sprayed not only when they cause a threat, but also when they don't follow routine orders and while on suicide watch. “So far this year, there has been approximately 1200 reports of pepper spray being used compared to the 196 reports that were logged last year.”

I too witness pepper spraying going out of hand. Back in high school I saw a police officer who arrested a student, who was not resisting arrest, was ruffed up and after the police man put on the cuffs, then peppered sprayed him in the eyes. Was any of that was force necessary? The student did not fight back or resist. So what’s the point of spraying him in the eyes? I don’t believe peppering spraying are ends to a mean. I agree with my colleague here these kids are troubled. Abusing them won’t solve anything.